Wednesday, May 6, 2020

College Applications

We have nothing pressing to do this week, pretty much like every day for the past six weeks. I told Evan to make good use of his time, and with lots of encouragement from me, he decided to research schools with pre-PT programs. Two days later, he had a list. Then I told him to start applying. After I was live with instruction with my third graders today, we started application #1. 

This was our conversation five min into the first college application. 

What is your sex? 
Evan: thank God they only have Male and Female. 

What is your gender identity? Evan: "oh my god. There are multiple choices. Really?!?! I can't go here."

What is your ethnicity?
Evan: "I'm white. Easy."

What do you consider as your ethnicity?
Evan: "I just told you. White. How is this a debate or a choice? You are what you are."

We have six more apps. I won’t survive.

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