Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Million Dollar Mutt Strikes Again

I was in the house doing laundry, and Wes was mowing the front yard when our neighbor Val heard Ryker yelping. We noticed he was limping and thought he must have twisted his ankle chasing a golf cart down the back fence line. A few hours later we learned he had actually impaled himself on the fence trying to bark away a golfer. Wes rushed him to the vet certain he had punctured his lungs. 

The lungs are fine, but he has a tube inserted to help drain the fluid developing from all of the swelling in the chest cavity. He’s high on meds today, but he should be back to chasing birds and carts within the week. He’s like a cat with nine lives. He has to be on life four or five by now, and he has no idea how lucky he is to get to live out all nine!

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