Saturday, May 16, 2020

Swim Parties

Our mandatory quarantine has lifted, and besides eating out, going to church, going to school and playing sports, we have returned to a more “normal” way of life. We got to watch soccer on tv this morning, we can shop inside of stores again, and we can hang out with people that aren’t in our family. Things are looking up for us!

It’s almost summer time! The timing of the start of summer could not be better. Three more days and all three of us will be done with school for the year. In the meantime, it feels like summer, and we are doing our best to soak up as much sun as possible. Vitamin D is supposed to help fight Covid-19 if you become infected. That’s my justification for spending a couple of hours on the deck each day with a book anyway. 

Thursday Evan went to a pool party to celebrate a birthday. His girlfriend is on the far right. 

Friday night Keagan went to a friend’s house for basketball and a quick dip in the pool to cool off. 

Six more weeks and we will host our own pool parties. Four more weeks and my kitchen will be redone. Now that I can get inside stores, I was able to find the perfect slab for my countertops. Here’s a sneak peak. 

This could be the most exciting summer yet!

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