Thursday, May 14, 2020

Quarantine Training

We are in week ten of no sports. Our lives have not been the same without the constant practices, training sessions, soccer games, or sporting events on tv. This month Keagan developed his own soccer training regimen. He runs 2-3 days a week, does footwork other days, and uses his agility ladder to improve quickness. He created a new footwork move this week, and I was sure to record his agility session. 

When I saw he had created a ladder from twine, I asked why he didn’t use the actual ladder. He said, “We have an agility ladder?” Evan and I dug it out of  the garage so he could train without the string getting caught in his cleats. However, he did quite well even with the string.

He tells me, “Mom, I’m going to play in college one day. I’m going to prove that driving hours every week for games and practices was worth it.” 

Be still my heart. ❤️🌟⚽️

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