Thursday, December 31, 2015

You Only Live Once

Today the boys and I drove to the other side of the island to zip line in the rain forest at Maya Eden.

Evan had no fear, volunteered to be the first to go, and jumped at the idea of hanging upside down while on the line.

Keagan cheered his way across the first zip, but truth be told I think he had more fun feeding the spider monkey and getting up and close with the indigenous animals in the park.

I'm already researching vet schools with men's soccer teams.

Wes zipped, fed the monkeys, and was attacked by a green macaw.

Not to be left out, I zipped and only had to be rescued once when I braked in the middle of the line.

We are having the time of our lives, people. I will die poor because I will spend every penny earned traveling the world and living life to the fullest. We've made the boys promise to never marry a girl without a passport. They've agreed. I feel like our mission in life has been accomplished.