Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Family Photos

The day we were supposed to have family pictures taken, it rained. I had envisioned brick walls and an urban backdrop, maybe something downtown. The rain put an end to my vision, though, and I had to settle for the front porch. The boys were, of course, mad when I told them I had a photographer booked for a photo session, but they were relieved that no photos would be taken downtown in front of other people. I got a few smiles, but this year's photos didn't look anything like the ones taken last year in the natural light. Still, we got one good family pic for a Christmas card.

Evan only complained once or twice or a dozen times, but I would listen to it all over again to get another picture of his smile.

Sadly, Keagan's "I'm a Little Teapot Shot" didn't make the final cut, but this one is perfect!

Next month we will have been together twenty years. Twenty years! How can that be?

I am anxious to see what our family looks like in another twenty years!

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