Monday, December 28, 2015

Don't Count on my Return to Civilization

We made it, but better than that we flew for five hours yesterday and Keagan didn't get airsick! We have mastered administering Dramamine and will never travel with Keagan again without it. We didn't see many families with young children at the airport; I suppose we are the only ones crazy enough to bring our kiddos to Honduras!

We arrived to the resort yesterday to people everywhere. I was dubious of our choice. But a big group checked out this morning and the locals are not spending the afternoon at the beach. It's tranquil and perfect today! 

The garden outside the condo is beautiful and the coral is the best we have ever seen! The fish you see in Eric Carle's "Rainbow Fish" are real! I saw them today! I can't even begin to describe the snorkeling; it's probably the best we have ever seen. I want to drink more of your Kool Aid, Roatan!

We've been a lot of places and our bucket list is still heavy with places to see, but I just might have to come back here again next year. Let's just say Ex-pat is now in my vocabulary.

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