Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Just Call Me LaLa

Have I mentioned that the snorkeling here in Roatan is the best we've ever seen? Today we took a boat ride to Spooky Channel and Blue Channel to snorkel.

We saw a lion fish, a barracuda, parrot fish, disco fish, and rainbow fish, just to name a few. I wish we had pictures of each and everyone, but it's job enough for me to keep water out of my pipe and mask. Camera maneuvers and my OCD to create perfect pictures would ensure my drowning.

We also went to a sand bar to snorkel with star fish.

And we visited a dolphin park where we caught a dolphin in mid-jump. Ah-mazing!

If the snorkeling wasn't superb, the national drink is enough to make me want to come back. I've had one, or maybe several, Monkey La Las in the two days we've been here. 

I even found a bar that serves two for one at happy hour. I got so excited about half price drinks that the boys have said my new name should now be Monkey LaLa.

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