Saturday, December 19, 2015

Hooray for Vacation

The tree is trimmed, the porch is decorated, and the presents are all wrapped and under the tree. 

Today we officially started Christmas vacation. I couldn't be more ready. I avoided the lice outbreak on the third grade wing, I survived cold season, and I didn't contract pink eye. Life is about small victories when you are a teacher. I celebrated the start of vacation (and my health) with a Sonic slush.

Our week of rest and relaxation began with a school basketball game. Evan got a double double with 13 points and 12 rebounds, and the team proved that they can, in fact, win a game.
When Evan stepped out of the house this week with his basketball warm up gear, my heart skipped a beat. For a second, I thought I must be seeing into the future because there's no way my Evan can be that old, that big, that mature looking. Then I realized it is true. Time is slipping away and faster than I ever thought possible.

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