Friday, December 11, 2015

Budding Artist

Last spring my school had a team building activity where each teacher painted signs to hang outside the classrooms. Mine turned out real bad. So bad that a co-worker asked me which eight year old painted mine for me. I laughed it off, but that sign has been hidden in my classroom closet ever since.

thought for sure I would return home from tonight's girls' night painting party with art work that would be stored under the bed. I even told my friends I would be the only person to fail a paint by numbers class. So I couldn't believe my eyes when it turned out to be something I could actually display on the wall for others to see. 

Neither could my boys. Wes wanted to know if I did it on my own, Keagan wanted to know if I bought it, and Evan shook his head in amazement. I can't blame them; I was just as surprised.

I'm so good that I've decided to paint one for each season.

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