Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas Eve

There's nothing better than the joy of the Christmas season. Today it is 72 degrees, though, and a little hard to imagine that it is really Christmas. All I want to do is sit in the sun and drink a milkshake. It was so warm that we couldn't eat our traditional Christmas Eve dinner of potato soup. Wes was happy with that change in plans.

This morning we served the disadvantaged in our community and while serving sweet tea and cake, Keagan listened to every old person story imaginable. He did it all with a smile and not one complaint. Evan, on the other hand, had his fill after the first hour and voiced his disapproval every five minutes thereafter. After an hour of listening to him complain, we left the church to ensure our Christmas joy was still intact.

This afternoon we attended a candlelight service at church, and then we came home to open presents our family members sent the boys. I think these pictures of three mean we are in need of a selfie stick. Maybe Santa will find one in his bag for us!

Uncle Jamie sure knows how to wrap presents. Keagan went through six layers of paper when he finally got to this....a box of fig bars! Keagan actually believed he had been given food, but he really got football gloves, sick football gloves, I might add.

My grandmother sent the boys pocket watches that belonged to their great-great grandfather Shoemaker. Keagan was shocked and then wanted to take it apart and look at it ticking. Ummm, no!

Evan got Chewbaca pajamas that were endearing, ugly, and perfect all wrapped into one. He never laughed so hard, and yet he said, "This is the first time I have ever really liked getting clothes for Christmas."

Aunt Vikki sent a drone with an attached camera, and the boys immediately made plans to use it to spy on the neighbors when playing AirSoft, video backyard football games, and use it to stay away from "it" when playing tag in the neighborhood. All great ideas that certainly spell trouble!

Nonnie sent an autographed football from J Wit. We debated a good twenty minutes about whether or not it was authentic before Wes finally called his mom and asked. I lost that bet. It will be treasured by the boys for years to come.

The best quote of the night goes to Evan. He got soccer shin guards from Oma and Opa. He opened them and said, "Just what I needed. Now I won't be called Wal-Mart Shins anymore." I guess his old guards had seen better days. And then after opening a new pair of size 13 Sambas, "Oh, my gosh! They feel so good on my feet. They aren't even tight anywhere." I think that was my cue that the shoes should have been opened well before Christmas.

Our day has been filled with love, joy, and peace. Merry Christmas Eve!

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