Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas Eve Eve

Christmas vacation day two and we started the day like this.

I really know how to spread Christmas joy with a dentist appointment scheduled the week of Christmas! I made it up to him, though, and took him to the local college to watch a men's basketball game.

Today we are listening for tornado sirens and decorating a gingerbread house. There were no tears with collapsed walls and no bad words said when the icing wasn't sticky enough. Pre-assembled houses are the way to go; all we had to do was ice and decorate.

The boys' finished product looks just like the perfect picture on the box. :)

Of course, Evan spent more time eating the building materials than actually decorating, and Keagan got frustrated when he ran out of peppermints because someone was eating them faster than he could spread the icing. But it was all in fun!

Even Wes got into the action. He's high on steroids and antibiotics trying to recover from pneumonia, but after today's breathing treatment, he has finally had enough energy to do something besides sleep.

Oh, how I love the family time and the family traditions we have created to practice no matter where we might be assigned or living!

Merry Christmas Eve Eve!

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