Friday, April 1, 2011

First Day of April

You will need some background information to understand today's post. A few weeks ago I was at school when I received a call from the school nurse stating Evan had been involved in an altercation in the lunch cafeteria and Evan required medical attention (ie: ice packs). The nurse couldn't go into many details, but Evan was currently with the principal giving his side of the story. Just with the spoon situation in kindergarten in Virginia, I was horrified to receive such a call from the school. However, as it turns out, Evan had done nothing wrong. He was in the principal's office reporting the situation, and the other kid was given ISS.

This morning I had only been awake a few minutes when Evan found me sitting on the couch, and in his most quiet voice he admitted, "Mom, I was the one that really twisted T's arm. I lied to everyone about it - even the principal, but everyone believed me because I make good grades and I follow the rules. I should have gone to ISS - no T."

Just as I was debating punishments, the possibility of enrollment in a military school, and sending him to a boarding schools in the far reaches of the Northeast, he gave me a huge smile, and said, "April Fool's Day!"

He got me again this year. This makes two years in a row. It scares me that he is so good at deceiving me.

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