Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tell Me a Story

Today we attended an event on post for military children that highlighted Operation Vittles and the true story of a pilot that dropped candy and bubble gum to German children living in Berlin during WWII. Maybe if I had mentioned bubble gum and chocolate before the event, the boys would have been more eager to attend. Instead, they were infuriated that I pulled them away from their Sunday afternoon rest and i-Carly. Nevermind the fact that they had seen this exact episode no fewer than a dozen times. After a slight struggle and maybe a threat or two, we made it to the event with both boys still living.

The story was read by guest reader Tanya Biank, the author of the book Army Wives; it was a wonderful story about the friendship between a German girl and an American pilot created through Operation Vittles. We sat down to hear the story and the boys immediately spotted baskets of candy. This lifted their spirits. When sticks of bubble gum were handed out, the boys were convinced this was the best place to spend a Sunday afternoon. They were over-the-top excited when they heard the craft activity included gliders modeled after World War II planes.

It was a great event that was, unfortunately, not attended by many, but we are already looking forward to the next Tell Me a Story Event.

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