Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Night

It is Friday night and we have big plans in this house: dinner and television. I know you’re jealous of our fun. Don't hate.
For dinner, I made breaded pork chops with asparagus in a hollandaise sauce and Keagan was so excited with the asparagus, he proclaimed, "That green stuff rocks my world." I have to admit, though, that this was said after a clip on America's Funniest Home Videos and the statement, "Now, that's what I call comedy."
It makes me wonder how hard the asparagus really rocked his world if he finds AFHV true comedy.
Tonight I plan to re-introduce the boys to Friday Night Lights. The new season debuts tonight, and because it is one of my all time favorite television shows, I will probably be overheard saying something like, "Now this is what you call television drama." I have been waiting for this night for six months, and because I even scribbled the event onto my calendar right between soccer game: bring snacks and soccer game: wear green uniform, I think my life might be even more pitiful than originally thought.

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