Monday, April 4, 2011

The Fire Shoes

I never thought I would ever use these two words in the same sentence: fashion and boys, especially not at this young age. However, it seems that Keagan has some pretty strong opinions when it comes to shoes and what is "cool." I should have seen this coming, though, because when Keagan was three, he often dressed himself, and he would ALWAYS select a pair of yellow rain boots - even when the thermometer read 95 degrees and we had full sun. His little feet would sweat like crazy, but he had to wear the yellow rain golashes.

This past weekend Keagan was in need of shoes. We went to the first store and he picked out a $60 pair of bright aqua Nikes. I said no. There were so many things wrong with this choice.

We went to the second store, and he didn't find anything in his size. He was despondent. He just couldn't go to school on Monday without new shoes.

We went to the third store, and I selected a pair of Z strap Sketchers. He told me that was "too much like everyone else". I selected a pair of Nikes and he said, "I have worn that kind before."
And then he selected these.

The ugliest pair of shoes on the shelf.

I argued that they wouldn't match his school uniform. I argued that they should be worn with jeans - a wardrobe item not worn in Georgia after the month of February. I argued they wouldn't allow him to run fast. It didn't matter what I said. He wanted "THE FIRE SHOES!"

After several tense words on my end and sad puppy dog eyes on Keagan's end, I had a flashback to June 2005. I remembered returning home to Texas with a pair of shoes I LOVED only to hear my mom say, "Really, Kacey? Those are the ugliest shoes I have ever seen."

I bought Keagan the fire shoes.

I think they were the absolute best choice. Yep, the absolute best choice - for Keagan anyway.

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