Thursday, April 21, 2011

SOAR Student

Today Keagan was chosen as the SOAR student of the month for his kindergarten class, a reward given to students showing good citizenship skills. In December, after five months of school and after five students had been named, I asked Keagan why he hadn't been chosen yet, and he said, "Don't worry, Mom. Ms. Banks has to get through all the good kids first. I'm sure I'll be next!"

That kid! Unlike the earlier post about his speed, I do know where he gets his sense of humor, and no, that did not come from me either. There's no doubt he is a hand full in the classroom, but with those big blue eyes, who could not love him? 

He told us today that it was the best day of his life because he got to sit at a special table at lunch, got free ice cream, and got a bag full of treats.

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