Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring Break: Must Get to Beach

For two months we have had 80 degree temps and sunshine. It has been beautiful and I have had one single thought: must get to beach. The one year we live close enough to go to the beach every single day without the traditional cost of spending spring break on the beach, and I experience the temps dropping thirty degrees and the streets flooding with inches and inches of rain. I've tried to reconcile my poor luck with my Kindle and Pinot Grigio. I have also remembered to be thankful for the rain, for the rain has put out the wildfire that just threatened our evacuation from our home and every single item we own. So while I am not on the beach, I do still have a house and everything in it, including my Pinot Grigio and my Kindle.

Yesterday, in between rain showers and brief warm ups in the house with hoodies zipped to the neck and jumprope drills, the boys played war. Our experience on the carrier last weekend has carried over into our backyard. The London Knight, complete with costume, sword, and shield, battled Europe whose soldier carried a huge tree branch, aka victory flag. When I reminded the boys that London is in Europe and that there are no factions in Europe, Evan said, "That is the past, Mom. We are fighting a battle of the future."

Today the fighting is not nearly as intense, and the guns have all been put aside. However, we seem to be engaged in more hand-to-hand battles.

Thirty nine more school days until summer vacation. I have just one thought: Must get to beach.

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