Friday, March 4, 2011

After This Week, I Need a Bottle of Wine

This week I administered the end of year test to my fourth graders. In March. Does anyone else see anything wrong with that? End of year? March? Last time I checked I have 12 more weeks remaining in the school year. I am waiting for Wes to come home with wine because after the answers I saw my sweet angels bubbling this week, I need something to take me away from the horror. Did you know that Chihuhau is the capitol of Mexico? Clearly the big red star sitting next to Mexico City on the map was misplaced. I told Wes that I haven't seen so many low kids in one class since I taught second grade fifteen years ago in Texas. Good Gosh. It was one rough week.

Meanwhile, I am contemplating an order from Athleta because I LOVE their athletic wear, and after consuming my second piece of pizza and my fifth giant sugar cookie for dinner tonight, work out clothes are probably something I should consider purchasing. No matter how much I want to, I just can't justify spending $49 on a tank top. The second roll of fat forming on my tummy, though, has a different opinion, and I think it just might push me into a new purchase. I'll buy it all for no other reason than to perpetuate the misconception that I am a dedicated runner. And because there is nothing better to wear on a Saturday morning on the soccer fields.

Now that my wine has arrived, here's to a great weekend and the future delivery of running skirts and tank tops.

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