Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'll Consider Myself Lucky

I'll consider myself lucky.

All week I have found Keagan's treasures stuffed away in the most unique places. First, it was a pair of matchbox cars found in the bottom of the washing machine, then it was a bouncy ball wrapped up in the corner of the clean sheets taken out of the dryer, then it was a football valentine card stuffed in the pocket of his school uniform pants.

However, last weekend he tip-toed into my bedroom pleading in his whisper soft voice for me to tie his cleats. Another football game was in the making, and I was in the midst of my Sunday afternoon nap. I felt confident I could tie his shoes, he would leave me in peace, and I could resume my nap. In my half awake, half asleep mode, I reached down to tie his shoes. I saw something in the corner of my eye. Something swinging from his little hand.

Could it be? OH! MY! GOSH! It was. Keagan had caught a lizard, brought it into the house, carried it around while seaching for his cleats, and then had it dangling in his hand just inches from my head.

I screamed. I screamed again. Keagan ran for his life. I chased him out of the house. Wes jumped up from the couch ready for battle, but because he, too, was half asleep, he jumped up grunting, "Huh? What?" I later found Keagan hiding behind the AC unit scared out of his mind. I found the lizard in the driveway. Tossed aside in the middle of the melee, the lizard didn't survive.

Thankfully, I never had to touch the thing. Thankfully, I never found it hidden in any of Keagan's hiding places.

I'll consider myself lucky.

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