Saturday, February 26, 2011

My New Love

I knew that if I gave myself some time, in this case a lot of time, I would find something to love about Hinesville, GA. This week I think I found it. Let me be honest and tell you my new found love has nothing to do at all with the guys who choose to spend the weekends mudding in the "protected" wetlands located behind my house. If the loud motors and tires were not bad enough, I must also endure the endless hoots and hollars of rednecks pushing stuck trucks.

No, my love includes warm temperatures, shorts, and a sunburn. In February. I have spent every waking moment this weekend in the sun, and for the first time ever, I have my first tan lines in February. I. LOVE. It. I cannot even begin to imagine the poor soul who must endure another month before spring arrives. I have shared the sun this weekend with my new BFF, The Kindle. I read the most amazing book this weekend by Jeannette Walls, The Glass Castle. It's a must read for the summer if you haven't already read it. Because it has been out for three years and lauded by the masses, my latest book love is not earth shattering for most, but for those of us who live in the sticks with neighbors who like to go muddin' on the weekends, I guess it could be earth shattering.

I am not the only one that loves this warm weather. Evan told Wes this morning that he felt like Hawaii should be our next PCS move.

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