Thursday, February 10, 2011

Drumming With No Beat

Every time we are in Texas, Keagan tries to play us a tune on my mom's piano. It never sounds like anything except noise; it's annoying, it's loud, and it's far from sounding anything like music. Last week, after we had just spent a long weekend in Texas, Keagan wished he was in Texas to play the piano. It suddenly occurred to me that I should have presented the boys, well Keagan anyway, the option of some type of music lessons months ago. Nevermind that Wes took piano for years and hated every minute of it. Nevermind that I played for two years to master only one piece of music that wasn't something you would hear sung in a pre-school program.

I decided then I would put aside our own misgivings with music lessons, and we would at least explore the option for our one son who expressed some interest in music - however small.

So I boldly asked Keagan if he wanted me to find him a piano teacher, and he replied, "Mom, you think I need lessons? I can already play the piano. Didn't you hear me play at Oma's?"

It appears our talents will remain in the field of sports. I may have just been mildly relieved. I had no idea how we were going to afford a piano.

However, I have since learned that Keagan also believes that he is an excellent drummer.

He might not be able to play an instrument, but his dance moves are still intact.

I couldn't be prouder.

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