Monday, February 14, 2011

The Visitor

For weeks my school prepared for the all important dignitaries expected on Valentines Day. We spent days trying to guess who might be coming to Fort Stewart. Meanwhile...

The floors of the school were waxed not once but twice.

Every wall was decorated with student work.

Pest Control visited on Friday.

The classrooms were given new furniture and bright, colorful rugs.

I got new light bulbs for the lights that have been out for three months.

The cafeteria tables were scrubbed with bleach.

Photography equipment was in place.

Welcome signs were hung.

My three legged desk with the duct tape wrapped around the broken leg was replaced.

All of this, and Mrs. Biden never arrived.

For some reason she found it more important to join Gen Casey in the presentation of Purple Hearts to soldiers who recently returned home and were honored today for their bravery while in Iraq.

I think I can forgive her. Afterall, I got some pretty cool stuff for my classroom, and the soldiers honored today have memories that far surpass anything she could remember about a tour of an elementary school. 

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