Thursday, March 17, 2011

Change in Command

Today Wes took command of the CID office, and we attended the afternoon Change of Command ceremony. The biggest day in his career and this is the only picture that I have to document the event.

Even though I am not a fan of a yellow rose, it is a tradition that the incoming commander's wife receive yellow roses, the symbol for hope.

My only hope was that the boys would be able to spend an entire day at school without marking on their clothing with blue marker or spilling ketchup down their shirts. My hope was expressed on several occassions, and I was relieved to pick them up from school today with only a smidgen of dirt on their faces. Unfortunately, I was the one who was unable to heed my own advice, and I arrived with a big blob of chicken and rice on the front of my new dress.

Speaking of the new dress....I splurged and bought something new to wear. I ordered it on-line and then prayed it would fit. I was giddy when I pulled it on and it fit perfectly. I mean it was just perfect! I walked through the house and off handly remarked, "Don't I look like a million dollars?" Evan replied, "Maybe not a million, Mom, but definately a thousand."

No lie.

With the exception of all of our clothing problems, I can't wait to see where this journey takes us next! 

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