Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Suns Don't Shine

My great friend Maria happened to attend last night's basketball game, the first of the season, and she remembered her camera. She was nice enough to take a few shots of Evan. Since I returned to school this week, after two full weeks of vacation, I seem to have lost the fine art of remembering and accomplishing ten things at once. Hence, my camera sitting on the desk at home instead of the bleachers of the Jordan Youth Gym during game time. She went so far as to add this nice orange border, and since I still scrapbook by hand, I can't even begin to figure out how she did that. 

After another hectic day today, the details of last night's game are slowly drifting. However, I do remember several reminders from Wes to sit down and keep quiet. I remember the parents behind me asking if Evan played football. I think that must have followed the semi-tackle taking place at center court during the first minute of play. I remember some key defensive plays that had me screaming wildly. (This is probably where I should insert reminders from Wes to sit down and keep quiet.) I clearly remember all four shots that were made by Evan, and luckily, I remember them better than the twenty-something shots that were missed. I remember some bright red faces (from exertion; not bad tempers), and I remember the opposing team's number 11. I think I just might see him on TV one day.

Sadly our first game ended in defeat. However, I am considering it a complete victory that we only lost by four points. We have another game on Thursday, and I can't imagine doing anything else but screaming wildly for the SUNS! I think I might even consider getting out of my seat a time or two.

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