Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day

After living in Kansas and learning how to drive in snow, after living in Germany and learning how to live in snow six months out of the year, and after surviving two blizzards in Virginia last year, I never thought we would move to Georgia and have a snow day.

But we are.

If I had the camera, I would show you proof of the one tiny speck of freezing rain that fell this morning at 0910 just seconds before it melted. Unfortunately, Wes seemed to think that the camera would be put to better use at Fort Leonardwood where inches upon inches of snow is probably expected in the next few weeks.

Apparently, in Low Country anyway, the word snow has a very different meaning than in the above mentioned places. In coastal Georgia, the fear of snow was enough to cancel school. I think it is fair to say that there might have been some overreacting. Or maybe someone just didn't want to have to get out of bed this morning, and this was a sure fire way to secure extra sleep.

Either way, I'll take a day off.

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