Wednesday, January 19, 2011

876-5309 Part II

My little boy and his little black book...I always knew Keagan would be the son to come home with a collection of girls' phone numbers, but I never thought it would happen in kindergarten!

Evan's Version of Today's Events:

Mom, Keagan got a girl's number today at school.

Keagan's Version:

I don't know what happened today. I was just sittin' at my desk, doin' my writin' assignment. Oh, yeah! I got candy today for doin' so good with my story about the Cowboys. Then, next thing, I find a piece of paper tucked in under my pencil box and I'm like what's this? I open it and it is Shelby's cell phone number. I'm like okay, but I won't go out with girls that toot at circle time. I can't do my skip countin' when she does that right in front of me. Then I get all confused with the community helpers. Don't worry, Mom, I told her we could be friends.

At the time, I was having a hard time discerning an appropriate response because so many wrongs just make it real difficult to know where to start.

So I asked, "What kind of candy did you get?"

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