Friday, January 21, 2011

Emetrol, Reisling, and Book Marks

It's all a bit hazy for me now that it is fifteen years after the fact, but when I was a junior in college, I was under so much stress that I would drink bottles of Emetrol to help ease the queasiness and flu-like symptoms that persited that year. Today I am fairly certain that I had an ulcer, but I had no idea then that you could be 21 and walking around a college campus with stomach ulcers. I mean that was something reserved for fifty something year olds that drank too much and had some high powered position with some top performing company. Or so I thought.

During that year, maybe a couple of times a day, I would guzzle a swig of Emetrol, pop three Advil, and chase them with a swig of diet soda. And the pains ended until they started again.

This week I have longed for a swig or two of Emetrol. I have no idea why the queasiness has returned when life is relatively calm for us right now, but I think my younger son's collection of girls' phone numbers might be one reason. It might also involve that termite inspection bill I received in the mail this week. After that five minute walk-through of my house, I learned pest control businesses must rank in the top ten of top hourly pay. No doubt the inspector is livin' it up right now on some beach without any thoughts of bottles of Emetrol.

With a non-existant supply of meds, I decided a bottle of wine would do the trick. This past weekend I emptied the bottle myself and felt much more relaxed. That was until I noticed Keagan was using the label from my bottle of wine as a book mark in his library book! I shudder to think what his teacher thought this week when he came to school with a bookmark extolling the virtues of a nice Riesling.

Oh my goodness! You guessed it...the has returned. 

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