Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We Aren't Poor Anymore

Inability to tie shoes.
Indecipherable code used instead of English.
Lack of mature and rational discussions.
Snotty noses.
More tattling.
All of the reasons why I said I would never teach elementary school again. I was so certain of this that five years ago I gave away all of my second and third grade language arts folders, my holiday units, my folder games, and even a few books from my library. In June, I gave my few remaining blocks, bulletin board pieces, and center activities to a new teacher that I thought would find better use of them than I would. After all, I am a middle school math teacher, a field that is always in demand. Guess what I will be teaching this year.

Guess what I wish I had.

I am not upset in the least, though, because I am just so grateful to finally have a job, and according to Evan this means "we aren't poor anymore." More importantly, it also means daily hugs, lots of laughs, joy, innocence, and getting to know a group of children almost as well as my own - all of the things that I missed while teaching middle school.

Going back to work in August never felt better.

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