Monday, August 9, 2010

In Their Own Words

Two days down. 184 days until summer break. This is what the boys said, in their own words, about their new school, their new teachers, and their new classmates.

I sit by two kids. One's a boy friend and one's a girl friend. I looked at the boy friend and said, "Hey, I'm Keagan. You wanna be my friend?" The boy said no, and I said, "Why not?" He told me he already had a friend so I looked at the girl friend that sits on the utter side of me and I said, "You wannna be my friend?" She said okay and so now my friend is Elizabeth. She is a girl. I asked my new girl friend, not the boy friend, if she wanted to eat with me and Miss Banks in the butterfly garden.

I got to go to PE today and we had to run laps. I started runnin' and I passed everbody and when I went by the boy friend that didn't want to be my friend, I waved and said, "Bye-bye. Don't get lost in the dust." I passed him going speed. I crossed the finish line first.

We used our mats today for quiet time. I fell asleep and this kid that gets on my nerves woke me up by steppin' on my foot. I said, "This is how you wake me up? Steppin' on my foot? What? Are you autism or sumthen?"

Mom, let me tell you something embarrassing that happened to me today. When I was at PE this girl came up to me and said, "Do you like girls?" I told her, "Well, yeah." And then she told me her friend likes me. I told her I am not into having a girl friend but I will be her friend... On Monday I am NOT spiking my hair. I don't care if it makes me cuter; I don't want girls disturbing me when I am working.

I made a new friend today. I knew we were meant to be friends because guess where he came from? He came from Germany and I told him I was born there and I am going back there! That means we are both German. His name is something that I can never remember. I think it might be Jecovah.
I asked sarcastically, "Was it Jehovah?" And Evan exclaimed, "Yeah, that's it! You know him?"

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