Friday, August 13, 2010

Canadian Chameleons

The heat is sweltering and that yellow bus arrives later and later every day. By the time that thing arrives, I am literally dripping with sweat standing at the bus stop. The boys finally arrive and are so lethargic from the drive in the hot bus, that it is all that they can do to walk off the thing. They are drained; I am drained, and we look up the long street thinking we have still another 7 minutes before we make it back into the AC.

When the boys got off the bus yesterday, though, Keagan was running to get to me first.

That could mean only one thing. Evan got in trouble at school and Keagan couldn't wait to be the first to tell me. There would be no other reason why anyone, including our white Kenyan, would need to run in 100 degree temps.

But, Evan would never get in trouble. Not the first week anyway. All of that running was because Keagan was excited to tell me he got to go to the "magical" school library AND he got to check out a new book. About Canadians.

I never knew my five year old held such a fascination with the country, but assuming it had something to do with the World Cup, I let it slide. Really, at this point, I was near spontaneous combustion and I only had thoughts of glasses of cold lemonade and AC. I could not have cared less about the book he chose at the library.

Last night he wanted to read his new book for story time. As he pulled it out of his backpack chanting "Canadians. Canadians. Canadians.", I asked him why he chose the book. He told me, "Well, I always like bugs and animals."

I asked, "What bugs are in Canada?" And he said, "Canada?? What are you talkin' about Mama?" And that is when I saw the title. "The Crafty Chameleon"

Canadians are not chameleons.

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