Sunday, August 22, 2010

Jekyll Cup

Evan has learned some valuable lessons while playing with the Gators. This weekend he learned the art of losing, something he knows very little about while on the soccer field. Here's the rundown of the knowledge gained this weekend while playing in the Jekyll Cup.

1. You cannot play goalie when a teammate is already in the box playing goalie.
2. You cannot play both offense and defense at the same time. No matter how hard you try.
3. Some of your teammates play soccer to have fun and not necessarily to win.
4. Some girls play soccer as well as boys. They can also be just as physical.
5. Penalty kicks can make your heart stop for a split second, and they always make the ball move in slow motion.

I also learned a few valuable lessons.

1. I can never pack enough water and Gatorade for the family who must endure five or more hours sitting in the sun.
2. I can scream plays and "encourage" all I want and sometimes my son is stubborn enough to believe he can play offense and defense at the same time.
3. Four soccer games in one weekend is perhaps a bit overkill - even for me.
4. I scream louder when my son scores the first goal after losing the previous game 13 - 0.
5. I can eat my weight in mango flavored Italian ice when it feels like 112 degrees outside.
6. My younger son can entertain himself for hours climbing trees, making new friends with other siblings on the sidelines, and playing football games with imaginary players.

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