Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Bears

The boys are playing football again this fall. I am using "fall" loosely because our season runs August to September, when the humidity and temp are neck to neck and rising to about 95 every day instead of 98. Much to Evan's disappointment, he is playing flag instead of tackle. Because the YMCA league is the only league that allows five year olds to play, it was easier this way. After running around last spring with such a crazy Saturday schedule, I decided I couldn't have the boys in different leagues. When I told Evan it was this or nothing, the whining and crying were minimized to border-line-annoying instead of driving-me-crazy-annoying.

However, this season the boys are on the same team, The Bears, and this has brought a new enthusiasm to the game of flag football. We attended the first practice today in the noon day sun. With the air so thick with moisture I felt like I could bite it.

Have I mentioned that it is hot here in Georgia? It was so hot today that I thought that I would melt into the ground and that was while trying to steal some shade from a three foot shrub. 

The focus of this week's practice was the passing game. Evan and another boy that just happens to have the most annoying side line coaching father that I have ever met are vying for the QB position. It appeared Evan had won the coveted spot but Sideline Coaching Annoying Dad made it known that he thought tryouts might continue until the first game. I foresee a real fun season with this guy. Even though I stood next to him throughout most of practice, I decided the bit of shade I received from the shrub, however slight, was more important than my mental health. 

I may have misjudged the impact one annoying father could have on me, though.

Keagan took a few passes and did really well, but as most know, he is really more interested in the running game. That will be Tuesday. Next time I am bringing an umbrella so that I can carry my shade to anywhere Sideline Coaching Annoying Dad is not.


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