Monday, August 30, 2010

Bad News Bears

I feel like this weekend's football game could have been taken straight from the 70s film The Bad News Bears - even if the movie is about baseball and not football. Suffice it to say it is a good thing we were playing a team that had little to no talent because watching the game was one of the most painful things that I have had to endure since last week's soccer practice.

For beginners we had no coach, and for a while it appeared we would not have any players. Wes stretched all four players who showed up for the pre-game warm-up. Then we had players show up in uniform that we had never seen before. When the rain fell, I was crouching under that friendly three foot bush that just last week failed to protect me from the scorching sun. It also failed at protecting me from the rain.

Once the game began, Evan missed a tackle that allowed the other team to score. When it came time for Keagan to run the ball, the QB mishandled the ball, the defense was able to grab Keagan's shirt, and Keagan dragged the other boy about five yards downfield. While on defense, Keagan went for a flag and a player on the offensive line put Keagan in a bear hug. To top it off, most-annoying-side-line-coaching father's son played QB.

After all that, would you believe that we actually managed to win?

So it was probably nothing like The Bad News Bears except the title. But bad it was.

Next game is Thursday night. Wes is prepared to coach. Evan is prepared to tackle. Keagan is prepared to loosen himself from any strong hugs, and I have the camera ready to record some magic.

Lord knows I didn't get any this weekend.

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