Friday, December 3, 2021

Road Trip

It’s showcase season - my favorite season! What could be better than travel, soccer, and a great road trip partner rolled into one? Our first tournament is at my favorite soccer venue and one of the best cities. I could live here minus that pesky thing called winter. We headed north and arrived in Indianapolis late Thursday night. Our first game was this morning against Louisville. 

We lost - lost big - but Keagan played great! Really.

After our game, we had hot beef sandwiches at Portillo’s and drove downtown for the Pacers / Heat game. 

We scored great seats for only $36! 

I think I have the numerous Indiana famous round-abouts mastered, but I still question the transportation director’s signage and designs for highway exits. We were in the car less than two minutes today when I almost missed the first turn, and I hear Keagan chuckle and murmur, “Here we go!” I’m glad I was able to keep the excitement of riding shot gun with me alive and well. 

We were in the thick of heavy downtown traffic, numerous road closures due to construction, and holiday themed horse drawn carriages when we were forced to turn right and happened upon this. 

Tonight I’m thankful for bad signage and wrong turns.

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