Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Puerto Rico Day #1 - Bio Bay Fajardo

After a two year hiatus, we are returning to our Christmas vacation tradition. There’s nothing better than traveling to new places, experiencing new things, and eating new foods. We left home on Monday afternoon. Mak was so nervous about flying that she researched the planes (737 and 737 Max) we would take to get to San Juan. She spent one hour looking out the window observing the men at work. 

Unfortunately, the flight to Miami was very turbulent. She was a nervous wreck gripping the arm rests while the guy next to her tried to reassure her that the plane was safe because it had back up engines in case one malfunctioned. The adventure had just begun. 

We finally landed at 1:00 am and then had to wait for a team of airport workers to unload the luggage. Meanwhile, Evan decided masks were not necessary even though the local government said otherwise. This was the beginning of murmuring bad words because no one dislikes wearing a mask more than my 19 year old. Next we headed to the car rental office where we got to play Tetris with the six bags, five people. and the guitar case in our economy car rental. We were all tired, all cranky, and all saying bad words at this point. 

We made it to our house at 3:00am and crashed. Except Keagan. He unpacked and organized his closet.
Because who doesn’t do this?

At lunch time, we woke up to this! The beautiful blue sky, 83 degrees, and the rain forest in the background. 

We spent the afternoon at Coco Beach.

We drove to Fajardo for dinner of mofongo, sky fish, conch, and shrimp.

And then we kayaked through a mangrove forest in a lagoon to the bay to experience bioluminescence. 

Keagan got to partner with me in the kayak, and true to form, we had the very best experience turning 180s in the water. 

This was not done on purpose but due to someone’s bad sense of direction. It was like we were in traffic circles in water. I told him it was all on purpose to add some excitement to an otherwise calm and peaceful ride. Sadly, I’m not sure he viewed tonight’s adventure with the same eyes. 

And it’s only day one! Six more days of this family fun is sure to be had by all!

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