Friday, December 24, 2021

Puerto Rico Day #4 - Caraboli

This is probably Keagan’s favorite day trip of the week. Some people vacation for rest and relaxation, and we do that, too, but there has to be something new, something exciting, something fun. What teen boy doesn’t like the combination of mud, water, and ATVs? Keagan loved today’s adventure! Evan didn’t really wake up until an hour into the ride, as seen in this photo,

We took ATVs down muddy trails through the rain forest and stopped several times to soak in the views and swim in the river. 

The rain forest is breathtaking! I wish I could enjoy the smell of the flowers and nature. 

One stop included fresh passion fruit juice and chicken on a stick. This was great because it had been 90 minutes since Keagan’s last meal and it was time for him to refuel. 

I wish we would have had this pic taken with no masks, but masks, unfortunately, are mandated here in Puerto Rico. 

We had tacos for lunch, picked up pastries at the panderia for dessert, and returned home for a siesta, reading, and FIFA. 

A night cap of coquito, a distant fireworks show, and all is well. 

Merry Christmas Eve!

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