Sunday, December 19, 2021

Christmas Communion

Tonight was our church’s Christmas communion service. It was just the four of us this year because the girls had other plans. I was afraid we would miss it this year, so I’m glad it worked out for us to go. As traditions typically repeat, Keagan had to help his old pa again this year get the communion wafer out of its packaging. Those pesky things give old people such a hard time. 

After church, we opened presents. Evan requested a fishing pole and a Cowboys jersey. But he said the best gift he got was his air purifier for his dorm room. We realized he has stopped coughing after being home for a week, so maybe this will keep him from the constant, nagging cough he’s had since September. 

Keagan requested new cleats and a ManU jersey. The jersey is held up in the UK and will hopefully be here in January. His favorite gifts were his new joggers and his chain. Had I known he would love these joggers so much, I would have made sure we purchased one in every color. Unfortunately, they are sold out now. 

Tomorrow we take off on a jet plane to warm weather, sandy beaches, and adventure. I plan to eat, drink, and be merry with my some of my favorite people!

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