Sunday, December 26, 2021

Puerto Rico Day #6 - Pinones

After many early mornings, we all slept in today and got a late start to the day. We drove to Pinones for el chinchorrio dining experience. Food is grilled or fried on the streets and then displayed in glass cases for you to select. Patrons are to walk up and down the boardwalk buying an item at a time sampling many different foods. It is very popular with the locals, and a truly authentic Puerto Rican experience. 

A few years ago I would have found this method for food preparation very sketchy, but I have become much more adventurous in my old age. 

Our first stop was for empanadas stuffed with beef, lobster, or crab. They were piping hot and terrific! We walked along the coastline for beautiful views until we made it to the next stand. 

Our second stop was for pina coladas, fried fritters stuffed with yucca, and a pastelle stuffed with octopus. I was a fan of the fritter and Evan was a fan of the drink, but…

Keagan was not sure about the octopus. 

We ate a lot of fried food, so we took the board walk into the mangrove forest to walk it off. This part of the island was hit hard by last year’s hurricane and much of it has not been repaired. 

However, the beach was beautiful and the mangrove forest was teaming with life. Keagan spotted a crab. 

Puerto Rican pride only rivals that of Texans. 

The tip of the boardwalk overlooked the water for more fantastic views.

The boys ended the day taking naps. Wes and I ended the day with one more trip to the beach. 

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