Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Puerto Rico Day #2 - El Yunque

Day 2 and we were up bright and early (for teens anyway) to hike El Yunque rainforest. First up was Juan Diego Creek and waterfall. 

The boys went in for a swim. It was too cold for Mak, though. I don’t blame her. I sat this one out, too. 

From here we hiked up a slippery, steep mud trail to the top of the falls.

We made it down safely with no torn ligaments, rolled ankles, or muddy backsides - even though we had some close calls. It was an adventure for sure that left us all covered in mud.

Next we climbed the lookout tower called Yokahu for panoramic views of the coastline and forest. I might be on vacation but I can still use my teacher voice. To the dismay of the fam, I tested it out today. 

Our third stop was Coca Falls. No hiking was needed this time; just a pull over for a picture. 

By this time, we had worked up an appetite, so we stopped for lunch at a questionable shack that probably had the best food we will eat this week. 

Keagan ordered his drink with rum and then Wes overruled him. Good try, Keagan. I ordered mine with a double shot - one for me and another for me.

Our adventure continued to the local fruit stand for fresh pineapple and vegetables to go with our dinner. According to Keagan, you aren’t on vacation if you don’t hear a foreign language or have the ability to stop and shop at roadside fresh fruit stands. He’s so bougie. 

The hottest part of the day was spent napping under the palm trees at the beach.

And going for swims in the salt water. Can you spot the boys?


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