Thursday, December 23, 2021

Puerto Rico Day #3 - San Juan

Today’s travels took us to the city of San Juan. I loved it here because of the combination of the Taino Indian influence, the Old World European Charm, and the modern buildings and outdoor eateries. The brightly colored buildings were Caribbean-esque, and Puerto Rican pride was evident on every street.

The boys took a couple of shots on the Carmelo Anthony Court that overlooked the water.

We toured both of the castles, El Morro and San Cristobal, and climbed to the top for gorgeous panoramic views. We took so many beautiful pictures; it was hard to choose just a few.

We grabbed lunch at a food truck, and took my friend’s suggestion to eat fried cod. (That hair. Wes kindly told me today I needed a refund on my shampoo because the anti-frizz promise is not holding up in this humidity.)

Keagan loved the bacalaito and surullito so much he went back to buy another round for an afternoon snack. 

After we dropped Makinley off at the airport (she’s off to spend Christmas with her family), we headed to the beach to drink Jarritos and watch the sunset. 

We were pleasantly surprised after dinner by a parade of decorated golf carts and bikes that took to the streets of the neighborhood. People played music, dressed in costumes, and danced. So fun! 

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