Friday, May 31, 2019

Summer Time!

My first day of summer break and I planned to tackle my summer to-do list. I have a list of about thirty things to do in the next eight weeks. Instead, I took a four hour nap and then fell asleep at 8:30 on the couch. I felt like I was hit with a tranquilizer gun and just couldn’t move. One more day and I’ll be ready to tackle that list. 

Meanwhile, Keagan has been at the highschool basketball camp all week. 

Evan has been working on his AP Bio scavenger hunt naming trees, feeding ducks, and hiking in state parks.

He’s thrilled. 😂

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Honor Roll Assembly

The middle school honor roll assembly means one thing. It’s summer time! Keagan has had such a great year! His science and language teachers have been so wonderful this year. He was selected to lead tours around the middle school last week for rising sixth graders. He served as a peer mentor to a special needs sixth grader, and he made the honor roll all four quarters! To celebrate, we had lunch and shakes at Chick-Fil-A. 

 I now have two high schoolers, and it just seems so impossible to me. Keagan has said repeatedly, “I’m in high school, Mom. Can you believe it?” 

No I cannot. This seems like yesterday. 

Time, please slow down. I never imagined that it could possible go so fast. 

Monday, May 20, 2019

Soccer Banquet

Tonight we celebrated our successful soccer season with a banquet. Second year players were awarded the golden bar. 

Tomorrow night is round one of state against a powerhouse team. Go Hawks!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Headed to State

With a 2-1 win over Collierville in OT, we earned a bid to the state tournament this week! 

Thursday, May 16, 2019


🎵🎶🎶 We are the champions, we are the champions! 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶

The boys did it! Tonight they brought home the district championship going 13-0 for the season. This season they scored 86 goals and had only three goals scored on them. They are tremendously talented and look so good on the field together. 

Congratulations also go out to the five Rossview players named as all-stars: Ben, Chance, Keagan, Tristan, and Brayden. 

Many thanks to our coach, Jandro. For six years he has coached one of my boys in either travel or club ball. He’s like a big brother to both of them. I’m appreciative of his time and efforts, but I’m most thankful of his acceptance of multi-sport players. There are never any guilt trips placed on us when we have basketball and have to skip practice, and there is always a genuine good luck. 

These two have been best friends for the past three years. Next fall Ty will be attending another school across town. 

While the middle school played in the district championship, the high school team won the Regional championship with a score of 7-0. 

This weekend they play in Sectionals. What a season for both of my boys!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Mother’s Day Love

This is true love. 

My ultra-conservative, Trump lovin’, Obama bashin’ 16 year old suggested he and Keagan get me Michelle Obama’s book “Becoming” for Mother’s Day. My non-confrontational, apolitical, easy-going son agreed,  and then asked, “Mom likes the Obamas?”

When I asked for a picture, Keagan acquiesced with no questions. Evan agreed to it as long as he didn’t have to touch the book. 

When my sister texted later in the day to ask what the boys got me, I told her I got Michelle Obama’s book, and she texted, “And you liked it?”

Academic Awards

More than 500 of the 2000 students were recognized today at the high school for academic achievement. Evan was awarded academic honors for having no grade below 85 and a cumulative average of at least 93. 

To celebrate his hard work, I took him to breakfast. Tonight he’s back to the grind doing extra credit for chemistry and Spanish homework. 

I’m so proud of him!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

District Champions

13-AAA District champions! We beat Northeast 3-1 to gain the title. This will be the team to beat again next year as this year’s squad is very young. Our high school varsity team is moving on to regionals next week. We have the semi-regional game on Monday night against a team from the Memphis district. Go Hawks!

Friday, May 10, 2019

Eighth Grade Dance

Eighth grade dance. Keagan decided to go with a group of guys instead of a date. Then I found this on IG. I don’t know this girl, but Keagan looks so happy. He’s just beaming! I see his smile and I see my sister. 

Gosh! Look at that smile! He’s so handsome! 

The teachers worked so hard to make the cafeteria look like something other than a cafeteria. It’s gorgeous! 

Keagan had a very specific ensemble in mind when we went shopping last weekend, but then we couldn’t find the pants he wanted in his size. The idea was scratched and we built a new outfit. He looks so good in it and he knows it!

Keagan and his two best friends, Ty and Landon.

 In two weeks both of my boys will be in highschool. Two weeks! We are busy beyond belief. I’m exhausted most days. I dream of my bed and no alarm clocks. I wonder some days how it all gets done. But I know it will soon be over. And then I realize these are the very best days. It simply can’t get better than this. 

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The World is His

Evan didn’t talk until he was almost three. He was diagnosed with apraxia at 21 months, and we were warned he might not be able to ever communicate with us verbally. His first word was a German word and he called me by my first name until he was four. He communicated with us for two years primarily in baby sign and used two signs exclusively: milk and more. He cried for the first time at eight months. No joke. 

His quirks in language development have actually been something I’ve found quite interesting. I would love to find the therapist who misdiagnosed him. I would like to share with her that he has a 32 on the ACT in reading / 30 in language and share with her he was inducted into the Spanish National Honor Society tonight. He was never apraxic, but he also didn’t follow any “normal” path in learning to communicate. 

Now look at him. The world is his! 

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Sports Physicals

The boys had sports physicals on Saturday. 

Doctor to Keagan: “How are you still playing sports? Heart murmur? Concussions? Unaligned hips? Osgood Schlotters in both knees? How do you even run?”

Well, when you put it that way, I’m not really sure.

Evan revealed he has relied on his brother to read the eye chart before him every single time he’s had an eye exam. He memorizes what Keagan says (lil bro’s eyesight is better than 20/20), but today Evan’s plan came crumbling down. He failed the eye exam without Keagan’s “help.” He came home and put on his glasses from elementary school and gasped! 

He gushed “oh my goodness!” and  “really?!?!” too many times. He couldn’t believe how bad his eyes really were until he had glasses to show him what he’s been missing. When he looked in the yard, he exclaimed, “Look how green that is!”

Eye appointment coming right up!

Winners, Almost

I’m tired. Every May I think I just can’t go any more. And we just keep pluggin’ along. And some how we make it to June. I’m almost there! 

We’ve spent more hours than I want to count on the courts this weekend. Yesterday we won one game and lost one. Today we fought back to win two games and make it to the championship game. We are coming home in second place with medals! While winning first place would have been more ideal, we have to be proud of the success the boys have had this weekend. Just a few weeks ago we were losing by 50 points; I never thought I’d see us coming home with medals.

Keagan and Casey

Keagan “coaching.”

No smiles because it’s not first, but I’m super proud of them. They fought hard to the very end. 

We have next weekend off. I’m already looking forward to a full weekend at home!