Sunday, May 5, 2019

Winners, Almost

I’m tired. Every May I think I just can’t go any more. And we just keep pluggin’ along. And some how we make it to June. I’m almost there! 

We’ve spent more hours than I want to count on the courts this weekend. Yesterday we won one game and lost one. Today we fought back to win two games and make it to the championship game. We are coming home in second place with medals! While winning first place would have been more ideal, we have to be proud of the success the boys have had this weekend. Just a few weeks ago we were losing by 50 points; I never thought I’d see us coming home with medals.

Keagan and Casey

Keagan “coaching.”

No smiles because it’s not first, but I’m super proud of them. They fought hard to the very end. 

We have next weekend off. I’m already looking forward to a full weekend at home! 

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