Sunday, May 5, 2019

Sports Physicals

The boys had sports physicals on Saturday. 

Doctor to Keagan: “How are you still playing sports? Heart murmur? Concussions? Unaligned hips? Osgood Schlotters in both knees? How do you even run?”

Well, when you put it that way, I’m not really sure.

Evan revealed he has relied on his brother to read the eye chart before him every single time he’s had an eye exam. He memorizes what Keagan says (lil bro’s eyesight is better than 20/20), but today Evan’s plan came crumbling down. He failed the eye exam without Keagan’s “help.” He came home and put on his glasses from elementary school and gasped! 

He gushed “oh my goodness!” and  “really?!?!” too many times. He couldn’t believe how bad his eyes really were until he had glasses to show him what he’s been missing. When he looked in the yard, he exclaimed, “Look how green that is!”

Eye appointment coming right up!

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