Thursday, May 16, 2019


🎡🎢🎢 We are the champions, we are the champions! 🎢🎡🎢🎡🎢

The boys did it! Tonight they brought home the district championship going 13-0 for the season. This season they scored 86 goals and had only three goals scored on them. They are tremendously talented and look so good on the field together. 

Congratulations also go out to the five Rossview players named as all-stars: Ben, Chance, Keagan, Tristan, and Brayden. 

Many thanks to our coach, Jandro. For six years he has coached one of my boys in either travel or club ball. He’s like a big brother to both of them. I’m appreciative of his time and efforts, but I’m most thankful of his acceptance of multi-sport players. There are never any guilt trips placed on us when we have basketball and have to skip practice, and there is always a genuine good luck. 

These two have been best friends for the past three years. Next fall Ty will be attending another school across town. 

While the middle school played in the district championship, the high school team won the Regional championship with a score of 7-0. 

This weekend they play in Sectionals. What a season for both of my boys!

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