Saturday, August 18, 2018

Girl Crush

Keagan is never short of a school story. His funny stories usually involve a teacher (more like poking fun at a teacher), but this time the main character is Shirley. Shirley likes Keagan. They are not on the same team, but their paths cross. When he walks in the halls in between classes, she yells, “Keagan is so hot!” She texts him several times a day to tell him random parts of her day or to ask what he’s doing. She does not know soft spoken and she is unfamiliar playing hard-to-get. They do have exploratory arts together and on the second day of school, Keagan was the last to arrive to class. All of the seats were taken, the room was crowded, and Keagan stopped in the doorway scanning the room looking for a seat. Shirley exclaims in front of all, “Move aside! Make room for the king. Keagan has finally arrived.” The aisles cleared and Keagan made his way to the far corner of the room while shaking his head.

Kaylee also has a crush on Keagan and has since they were in third grade together five years ago. She is a special needs girl and goes to church with us. She writes notes to him, passes them to him in the hallway, and just recently got a Snapchat account so she sends messages, too. She was so excited last week to tell him she was going to Atlanta to watch a Braves game. She told Keagan it was a long drive - a very long drive - and she wanted to know if she could text him while she was in the car so to make the time go by faster. Keagan, the boy with unrivaled compassion for others, agreed. 

The girl he really likes, the girl he dated most of last year, has moved on to highschool. She won’t dare date a middle schooler (and shouldn’t), but as soon as May rolls around, you better believe Keagan will make his move. 

Meanwhile I told him to keep the Shirley stories coming; it will make the time go by faster. 

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