Saturday, August 18, 2018

Hero in Waiting

In between soccer, church camp, and vacations, Evan and Madalyn spent hours this summer in her nana’s  pool. Two weeks ago the two were in the pool when Evan spotted a reptile head peaking out of Madalyn’s hair. A head! Evan knew he had to do something before she was bitten! He thought it was a snake and calmly told Madalyn to not move. He then got out of the pool (so long with the hero grabbing the snake with his bare hands) and went to grab a net. Just as he got across the pool a lizard jumped off her head and ran into the mulch. Evan was so relieved he wasn’t tasked with saving her from a snake. 

Ironically, later that same day Nana found a snake in her yard and killed it with a shovel. She reached down to pick the dead snake up and Evan yelled, “No, Nana!” She jumped back a bit startled and asked why. Evan told her the snake could still bite even though it was dead. He grabbed a stick and put it near the mouth to show her. Nana looked up at Evan and said, “Well, Evan, I’m sure glad you are here. I might be in the hospital otherwise.” Nana took him to lunch a couple of days later as a thank you. 

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