Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Cow Dreams

Keagan has one chore around the house: pick up dog poop before Evan mows the lawn. This inevitably leads to a fight. Evan finds something that Keagan missed, Keagan thinks Evan should just drive over it. Boys yell. Doors slam. Chaos ensues.

It’s no secret that when we build our forever home, I want pet Longhorns. Wes thinks this is odd, but nothing reminds me of home more than cattle and nothing says Texas like longhorn cattle. I think I need only three, maybe a pair, but I want to be able to sit on my porch, look out at the pasture, and see cows. 

Today, while I was out of earshot, Keagan confided to Wes that this is the worst idea ever. He’s against my cow dreams. When Wes asked why, Keagan said, “There’s no way I’m cleaning up that huge cow poop.”

And he was serious. 

I’m still laughing. 

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