Monday, August 27, 2018

Silver Lining

Evan is still not playing soccer; we are nine weeks post injury and his Achilles is still too weak for him to run without pain. We have seen countless doctors, had an MRI done, had ice massages, and he does daily stretches. Yet, he’s making very little progress. We should be at training tonight. Instead, he’s studying for a chemistry test, reading his novel for English class, and helping his brother solve two-step equations. 

We are trying to find the silver lining while it rains:
He has plenty of time to study. 
He’s not sleep deprived. 
I am much less stressed trying to fit it all in before it’s time to hit the road.
We are getting more nights at home together.

Meanwhile, it’s still raining. Evan meets his new physical therapist next month. We are hoping she’s the magic we need to find the rainbow.

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