Sunday, August 19, 2018

Friendly Fight?

Keagan’s new team had its first friendly on Sunday, but by the second half, we had a full on brawl in the middle of the field. The other team was kicked out of the park, and we left with a 1-1 tie. During the fight, Keagan said, “I just pulled a Lonzo and walked away. I’m an eighth grader and not about to mix it up with sophomores.”  He did try to stop a mom from running across the field, but she spit out some Spanish and just kept on moving.

Keagan started out playing up top but that was short lived. He moved back playing CDM and did much better playing defense. He’s playing up and this team had players all Evan’s age. They tried to body him up, but Keagan was still able to use his smarts to shield and keep them from moving up field. 

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